We still have about a million things to try to get done in the next couple of weeks before our trip. I have really been enjoying the Davidson family blog about taking the Magic over to the Med. You can read about them here: http://davidsondrifters.blogspot.com/If you are wondering which tours my husband and I will attempt, here is a list of the tours that we are planning to do:
June 16 - Barcelona - Nothing other than trying to make it on the ship before it leaves! We have a flight on Iberia Airlines from Paris that arrives around 3:30, but the ship is not scheduled to leave until around 9:00pm.
June 17 - Day at Sea - Palo brunch - My Mom and I have had the Brunch at Palo's before, but this will be a first for my husband. I remember a huge anti-pasti display and several kinds of pastries and meats. I am hoping to get my husband acclimated to the ship and maybe even spend some time at the spa. I belive that by now jet lag should have worn off, so I don't expect to be exhausted all the time!
June 18 - Palermo, Sicily - Erice and Segesta - My husband and I picked this tour mainly because I saw the ruins on The Amazing Race. Living in Florida, we have seen tons of beaches, but America does not have too many ruins to go see! We will also go to Trapani where we will get to ride a cable car to Erice. At the top of a mountain, there is a temple that ledgend has it that the son of Venus and Poseidon built a temple to honor his mother. I hope to take tons of pictures of this to show my son what a good boy does for him Mommy! :)
June 19 - Naples, Italy - Mt. Vesuvius Hike and Pompeii - After having seen several History Channel specials on the history of Pompeii, we just could not pass up the opportunity to visit this ancient town. It is hard to imagine that over 20,000 people were lost when Mt. Vesuvius erupted.
June 20 - Olbia, Sardinia - Day at Sea at Maddalena Archipelago - I am ashamed to admit it, but I never even heard of Olbia, Sardinia before we booked this cruise. By the expression on many faces when I speak about our cruise, I don't think many other people have heard of this country either. This will be the first excursion that we take my DS along with us. We expect that he would really enjoy the boat ride since he always loved going on boats since he was a kid. My Mom is also joining us for this excursion. I am not really sure what an Archipelago is, but I am guessing that I will learn on this trip!
June 21 - Civitavecchia, Italy - Jumping Back Into Eternal Rome - Wow, I just can't wait to visit Rome. This tour is really going to show the highlights of the city including the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Colosseum, Vatican and Navona Square. Of course, my husband and I plan on throwing a coin in the fountain!
June 22 - Day at Sea - Palo Dinner - Ah yes, a day of rest and relaxation. I hope to spend the day with DS, but my guess is that he will still be addicted to camp!
June 23 - La Spezia, Italy - Florence and Pisa - What is a trip to Italy without seeing the leaning tower of Pisa? I am not too sure about Florence, but I expect 'Il Duomo' will be pretty cool.
June 24 - Marseille, France - Calanques of Cassis - Another boat ride, so DS and Mom will join us again. This trip takes you around Cassis where these huge limestone cliffs have formed. The pictures looked incredible, so I just can't wait to see them.
June 25 - Villefranche, France - We don't have anything planned for this day, but our choices are Cannes, Nice and Monte Carlo. I would like to see all of it, just so I can say that I saw everything.
June 26 - At Sea - High Tea at Palo's - I think not too much will get done today other than packing and lamenting that our vacation is almost over!
June 27 - Barcelona - We have a flight that does not leave until 2:15pm for London, so I am not too sure how much time we will get to spend in the city - especially since we will be lugging around our suitcases!
I will go into other details about Paris and London in my next report. I still can't believe that after almost a year we are only 20 days away!